Sunday, April 12, 2015

Grocery Shop Analysis

Just got back from the grocery store, let's see how I did!

I spent $53.20, which was higher than I wanted. But on the positive side, $50 is the threshold to get another ten gas points so I'm now up to 70 cents off per gallon next time we fill up. Also, more will come back to me from Savingstar.

$50 a week for the two of us is not terrible, but this trip didn't include any meat and so I don't think it's representative. A couple of things pushed the number up higher than I wanted. For example, I bought $10 worth of Redpack cans of tomato to get $3 back at Savingstar. I don't need those this week and that was a ton of diced tomatoes, but I do use canned tomato frequently and I always like to have it on hand.

My bread deal went through as I had hoped. Nature's Own 100% Wheat Bread was on sale for buy one/get one and I had two coupons (one for each loaf) for 55 cents, which doubled. $3.59 was the regular price ($7.18 for both) and I got two for $1.39! That is 0.69 cents EACH! I am SO happy with that one!

The cereal was good too. Would have been even better if it was on sale but oh well. It was $3.19 (I got a slightly smaller box which wasn't as good a unit price but it came with a Skylander's thing and no I don't have kids, but I love that game! lol). I had a Weis e-coupon for 50 cents, which I think may have doubled and I had a manufacturer's coupons for 50 cents, which doubled. I'll also get 50 cents back on Savingstar. So the box came down to 0.69 cents too (Or if the one didn't double it was $1.19)

I got the 18 count eggs which were a little on sale for $2.49 (usually $3.09) and I got a 25 cent employee discount because they were Weis brand eggs, so $2.24 for 18 eggs.

Two spaghetti squash and a basket of apples were expensive (though I had 75 cents off the apples with a store coupon) and so were a couple of yams that I forgot to put on my grocery list. Milk didn't have any deals on it. Slices of provolone cheese were expensive too. And the cauliflower.

I also decided to try using baby food pouches for snacks as suggested on They're easy carry packs and they're full of nutritious fruits and veggies! I got $1 off 4 Gerbers Graduates Grabbers but I still spent $5.76 on them ($1.44 each)

The only other thing was a tomato. I picked up the free Jiffy corn meal mix from Savingstar last night.

So I'm waiting on about $4 from Savingstar, which will make my total $49.20 (but if that had been my total in store I wouldn't have gotten the gas points!)

And I just realized that I forgot pepperoni. that could be expensive too.

Now I'm cooking my bulgogi for lunch and I'm going to work on making the apple cheese snacks to pack in my lunchbox for work later (along with one of the baby food pouches and Waldorf salad)

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