Sunday, April 5, 2015

Good Choices Eating Out

Arriving at my parent's place, we decided to go out to eat that night. It was the first time for me going to a restaurant since I started this diet last week.

Usually the "health" options on the menu are not very appealing. Who wants grilled chicken with vegetables? Not me, anyway. It doesn't get more boring than grilled chicken in my opinion.

But this restaurant had a grilled salmon and that was a whole different story!

I happily ordered salmon with asparagus and grilled tomatoes and switched the broccoli side for cole slaw (I like broccoli but only cooked particular ways and I rarely like it at restaurants).

I avoided potato, breading, and we didn't have dessert. Though we did eat some dark chocolate cookies at home.

So that was a pretty good success!

The next day was a brunch and pot luck event. I didn't do quite as well there. Had some brownies. But for the most part I made good choices like wheat toast with almond butter and apricot jelly.

So far for this week we have the following meals planned that I'll cook for my family:

  • Creamy grits with asparagus and poached egg
  • Spaghetti squash with regular pasta sauce (my parents were curious to try the spaghetti squash)
  • Butternut squash zoodle mac and cheese (I don't have a zoodle machine so I'll just be cutting small pieces of squash to be the macaroni noodles)
  • sweet potato falafel (falafel is one of my dad's favorite foods)
  • almond crusted chicken tenders (still need to get ingredients for this one)

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