Saturday, April 11, 2015

Garden Update and Misc

Yesterday evening I created a great snack! I took a whole grain graham cracker and spread almond butter on it, then put some dark chocolate chips on and microwaved 30 seconds. I smeared the chocolate over the top and sprinkled on walnuts. Delicious and satisfying!

I tend to have super vivid dreams that are very realistic. I dream living my life: going to work, making dinner, playing with my dog, etc. Last night I dreamed that my period had started. I was so elated. Then I had to wake up.

It's a little weird to be elated about your period when you're trying to get pregnant, but for me seeing it would be a sign that I'm getting better and that I can actually ovulate. I'd like to have a few cycles that are in the realm of normal before we start trying to time sex again.

Anyway, I was going to tell you about my garden plans today!

I have two areogardens and I love, love, love, love, love them. It's the only kind of gardening I've done since I've lived in apartments since moving out of my parent's place fourteen years ago! Now I have a house and a yard and this is our first spring.

But I'm still using my areogardens!

I have one of them set up in my living room growing basil and flowers. The other is in my kitchen and I got a seed starter set for it.

This allows me to start my seeds indoors with all the benefits of the aerogarden and then transfer them outside once they are growing.

So the seeds are sprouting (well, the carrots and broccoli are. No sign of the bell peppers yet)

I've been hardening them off by moving the bowl outside for periods of time. I think they are ready to be planted.

Rather than dig in our yard and deal with a bunch of not very fertile soil, I bought a fabric "raised garden bed." All I have to do is lay out this round fabric and it becomes like a large pot. I will add a mixture of potting soil and the compost I've been working on since we moved into the house in October.

Tonight I'm getting the soil with a Home Depot gift card (thanks to!) and then tomorrow I'll work on getting it set up and plant my very first garden!

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