Monday, June 15, 2015

At Last My Temperature Rose

Day 29 and my temp finally went up. And the next day it was still up. So good so far.

I'm struggling again to interpret my symptoms. We did a good job having sex every two to three days throughout this LONG phase before ovulation. And I saw some cervical mucus, though it never really looked like egg white.

And-- gross out alert--

I got some very different cervical mucus the day that my temperature rose. It was thick and yellow and sticky. Unlike anything I've seen before. Not knowing how to interpret that, I went to the Internet. Which promptly told me that it was an early sign of pregnancy. Oh jeez. It's like WebMD where everything comes up cancer. Just what I need, another potential sign of pregnancy to obsess over.

If my temperatures are even remotely accurate then there is no way for it to be a pregnancy symptom. But oh how I want to believe that it is!

All I can do at this point is keep on eating healthy and tracking my temps.

If there's nothing this cycle then next cycle I think I'm going to try the Mucinex/Robitussin trick to improve the cervical mucus.  Just need to find one that is pure Guaifenesin. You don't want one that has a decongestant, apparently.

Other plans include going back to the doctor to get some more tests done if we aren't pregnant within a couple more cycles. Metformin is a possibility. Clomid is a possibility. 

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