Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Ovulation Tests

I am so frustrated that I can't figure out if I'm ovulating!

Chances are if I get a period regularly then I am. But not necessarily. I could still be having anovulatory periods (meaning without an ovulation).

I've been trying to get back to taking my temperature each morning. The dog has a diaper on over night so I don't have to leap out of bed the instant she wakes me up. I'm tracking them on an app called OvuView. It is super slick and nice! Much better than the old app I was using. It lets you track a whole lot of different symptoms too. But anyway, I'll have to see if my temperatures are more steady now that I'm on this diet. So far so good. I've been high (for me) for the last four days which is what it should be if we're in luteal phase.

So maybe eventually the temperature will tell me if I'm ovulating.

I have a stack of pee test strips that a friend gave me when she started going to drugs to induce ovulation. I have yet to ever see a positive on one of those things!

They are so hard to read too. You're only ovulating if the second pink line is the same shade or darker than the test line. I've never had that happen but I've seen it get pretty close. It doesn't say whether it is supposed to get progressively darker as you head towards your ovulation. But message boards online suggest that for some people it does. I may need to start testing multiple times a day when it starts to look darker.

I also didn't realize until I downloaded the OvuView app that I'm supposed to be testing in the afternoon and definitely not with the first urine of the day. I was definitely messing that up.

There are easier to use and read ovulation testers out there. But I'm reluctant to buy one because I keep hearing that they aren't all that accurate with people with PCOS. Then again what I hear is that people with PCOS get a lot of false positives because we have a lot of the hormone in our systems already and I have never had any kind of positive, false or otherwise! So maybe they would work for me.

I'll give it a few months and then I might buy the ClearBlue predictor kit. You have to buy sticks to go with it too. Pretty expensive but still less expensive than evasive procedures or shots of drugs!

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