Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Never Take A Blue Dye Test

Astoundingly when I retested today at 11 DPO, the test was unambiguously negative.

I'm pretty upset that I could get a positive on Monday and a negative on Wednesday. So far no blood so I don't know if I miscarried (seems unlikely) or if I got a false positive.

My understanding was that false positives were not really a thing. The only potential false positive was user error. But that can't be true because I followed the directions extremely carefully.

I had been hearing rumors that the blue line dye tests were not as reliable as the pink. I scoffed at that. Why would companies still be selling them?

Now I'm thinking those people must be right. A blue line test gave me a positive and a pink line test gave me a negative.

I need to see a doctor to confirm what's going on but I'm quite worried that I was never pregnant and so I'm still pretty much as square one.


UPDATE: I went ahead and tested with another of the blue dye tests and it was also negative today. I think that suggests that this was a chemical pregnancy, meaning a super early miscarriage.

That would actually be a very good sign, meaning we are able to get pregnant. I need a doctor to confirm it but evidence suggests that's what it was.

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