Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Excess Hair Growth and Measures of Success

One of my most noticeable symptoms of PCOS is hirsutsim, which is excess hair growth. It's one of those signs that should have told me years ago that I had it. But all the women in my family are fairly hairy. We have pale skin and thick black hair. I never really noticed that I was the only one who had it not only on my upper lip and between my eyebrows but also on my chin and neck.

I've struggled with feeling ugly because of this hair for years and years. I've tried every hair removal process known to man (no, seriously. Every single one). These days I just shave it. It's the simplest and quickest.

But now that I know that the hair growth is part of PCOS, it should get better as I use my diet to get my hormones back into sync.

I need to find a way to track how often I'm shaving to see if there is any improvement.

This article has some information about supplements I could take to help with this. It also says that cutting out dairy is the most important thing to do for excess hair growth.

I think I'm going to get the paid version of my fertility tracking app, OvuView, because then I can set custom things to track like whether I shaved and constipation stuff!

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